
Grades of Cashew

1.General Characteristics: Cashew Kernels shall have been obtained through roasting, shelling and peeling cashew nuts.
(Anacardium occidentale L.)


2. Special Characteristics:

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/ Characteristics Count/454 gms Max. Broken NLSG
size description Moisture % Max % NLG max%
W-180 White Wholes White/pale ivory/light ash. Characteristic shape 170-180 5 5 5
(NLSG & SW together)
W-210 do do 200-210 5 5 do
W-320 do do 220-240 5 5 do
W-450 do do 400-450 5 5 do
W-500 do do 450-500 5 5 5(SW)


A. Cashew Kernels – White Wholes



Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/ Characteristics Count/454 gms Max. Broken NLSG
size description Moisture% Max% NLG max%
SW Scorched Wholes Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma N.A 5 5 7.5
SW-180 do do 170-180 5 5 7.5
(NLSG & SSW together)
SW-210 do do 200-210 5 5 do
SW-240 do do 300-320 5 5 do
SW-320 do do 400-450 5 5 do
SW-500 do do 450-500 5 5 7.5(SSW)
Cashew Kernels Desert Wholes

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/ Characteristics Count/454 gms Max. Broken NLSG
size description Moisture% Max% NLG max%
SSW Scorched Wholes Seconds Kernels may be over-scorched, immature, shriveled (Pirival), speckled (Karaniram) discoloured and light blue N.A 5 5 7.5
DW Dessert Wholes Kernels may be deep scorched, deep brown, Deep blue, speckled, dis-coloured and black spotted N.A 5 5
Cashew Kernels – White Pieces

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/ Characteristics Count/454 gms Max. Broken NLSG
size description Moisture% Max% NLG max%
SB Scorched Butts Kernels broken crosswise (evenly or unevenly) and naturally attached. Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in the drier/borma N.A 5 5 7.5
SS Scorched Splits Kernels split naturally lengthwise. Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while Roasting or drying in drier/borma N.A 5 5 7.5
SP Scorched Pieces Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma Pieces passing through a mesh 16 SWG sieve/4.75 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 7.5
(SSP & SPS together)
SSP Scorched Small Pieces Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma Pieces smaller than SP but not passing through a 6mesh 20 SWG Sieve/2.80 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 5

 Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter. Scraped and partially shrivelled kernels also permitted provided such scraping/shrivelling does not affect the characteristic shape of the kernel.

Cashew Kernels – Scorched Pieces

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/ Characteristics Count/454 gms Max. Broken NLSG
size description Moisture% Max% NLG max%
SB Scorched Butts Kernels broken crosswise (evenly or unevenly) and naturally attached. Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in the drier/borma N.A 5 5 7.5
SS Scorched Splits Kernels split naturally lengthwise. Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while Roasting or drying in drier/borma N.A 5 5 7.5
SP Scorched Pieces Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma Pieces passing through a mesh 16 SWG sieve/4.75 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 7.5
> (SSP & SPS together)
SSP Scorched Small Pieces Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma Pieces smaller than SP but not passing through a 6mesh 20 SWG Sieve/2.80 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 5
> (DSP)

Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter. Scraped and partially shrivelled kernels also permitted provided such scraping/shrivelling does not affect the characteristic shape of the kernel.


Cashew Kernels – Dessert Pieces

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/ Characteristics Count/454 gms Max Moisture % Broken Max % NLSG NLG max %
size description
SPS Scorched Pieces Seconds Kernels may be over-scorched immature, shrivelled (Pirival) speckled(Karaniram) discoloured and light blue Kernels broken into pieces but not passing through a 4 mesh 16 SWG sieve/4.75 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 7.5
(DP & DSP together)
DP Dessert Pieces Kernels may be deep scorched, deep Brown, blue, speckled, discoloured and black spotted Kernels broken into pieces but not passing through a 4 mesh 16 SWG sieve/4.75 mm and I.S.Sieve 5 Nil 7.5

Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter.


NLSG denotes: Next Lower Size Grade. NLG denotes: Next Lower Grade.