
Cashewnut – A versatile health food

Cashew nuts pack vitamins, fats and proteins to a high degree. Protein, which is the tissue builder in our system steal a huge dividend of cashew contents. Cashew kernels, on the other hand, comprise 21% of vegetable proteins. There is no doubt in the fact that they are equally nutritious with eggs, milk and meat. It also contains a high concentration of amino acids. Indian cashews are quite preferred as snacks.

Nutrient Units Value
Calories Kcal 570
Protein g 15
Total Fat g 46
Saturated Fat g 9
Monounsaturated Fat g 27
Polyunsaturated Fat g 8
Linoleic acid (18.2) g 7.66
Linolenic acid (18.3) g 0.16
Cholesterol mg 0
Carbohydrate g 33
Fiber g 3
Calcium mg 45
Iron mg 6
Magnesium mg 260
Phosphorus mg 490
Pottasium mg 565
Sodium mg 16
Zinc mg 5.6
Copper mg 2.22
Manganese mg 0.83
Selenium mcg 11.7
Thiamin mg 0.2
Riboflavin mg 0.2
Niacin mg 1.4
Pantothenic acid mg 1.22
Vitamin B6 mg 0.26
Folate mg 69
Vitamin K mcg 34.7
Tocopherol, alpha mg 0.92
Tocopherol, beta mg n/a
Tocopherol, gamma mg n/a
Tocopherol, delta mg n/a
Total Phytosterols mg 158
Stigmasterol mg n/a
Campesterol mg n/a
beta-stiosterol mg n/a
Lutein + Zeaxanthin mcg 23
Source: USDA National Nutrient Datebase for Standard Reference, Release 17, 2004
g = gram , mg = milligram; mcg - microgram